Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Korea hoooo

Off to Korea tomorrow! I'm all packed and ready go, and we are looking forward to the trip. Gonna see Jema, gonna eat's gonna be cool.

We'll be thinking of all of you, and as always, if our plane packs into the side of a mountain, we here in the LotRS love you all! KANBE!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

On the way home tonite, I saw a barber shop with a sign declaring "This shop is safe". I can't imagine why one might be led to think otherwise.

On a brighter note...or at least less ominous, I've yet to permanently injure myself in almost two months of judo. Yay! It's a heck of a workout, and I've come to enjoy being hurled to the mat.

We're headed to Korea next week...kimchee farts and cheap beer ahoy!