Wednesday, July 26, 2006

treasure hunt

Internet style.... I found some nifty little e-nuggets you folks might be interested in.

I found a site devoted entirely to the mandolin and a few interesting ukelele sites as well. I bought a ukelele for $15 over the weekend...because I simply don't own enough stringed instruments yet. I can't really play anything on the ukelele yet, but I did get it tuned, which makes a world of difference.

And webcomics galore. Try this one or, if you prefer a little foul language and violence with your humor, this one might amuse you.

Got my filling in yesterday, too. Didn't hurt so much. Kinda funny really, after avoiding the dentist for 10 years, I'm actually enjoying going in and getting all fixed up like. Yee haw.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Dentist...

Well, just finished up at the dentist, and its the strangest thing. I DIDN`T get the root canal I was fully expecting, and frankly, hoping for. I recited all my symptoms as best I could, agreed to a root canal last week, got myself all worked up...but all I`m gonna get is a bigass filling.
Mystified by this turn of events, I checked for my particular set of dental symptoms...and according to the internet and my own intuition, the root canal was the correct course of action. I am not a dentist, but I am also no fool. If I needed a root canal on this tooth 10 years ago, surely I still need one...

I think I need to have a chat with the dentist and someone with near fluent english to properly express my concerns. I really want this damn thing fixed and fixed properly as soon as possible, with as few visits to the dentist as possible....

Strange, isn`t it? A person with a slight dental phobia arguing for a more drastic treatment that the doctor wants to give? hmmmmm...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Cupped out...

What in the HELL got ahold of Zinedine Zidane? That headbutt had to be about the craziest thing I have seen in quite a while. He was looking really intense throughout the game...I guess he just snapped...

Did the traditional petitioning of the family for K`s hand in marriage...that all went pretty smoothly ... we had a fine lunch after that, then we all took a family outing to the furniture store. For two hours. Two hours watching her parents shop for a sideboard... whew. Followed by a fun dinner with the folks and their to drink IW Harper Presidents reserve bourbon, which was very fine.

Next day, I went to the dentist for the first time in about 10 years. Yay. I get a root canal next tuesday. Double yay. The only consolation is that the nerve in that tooth died back in college, so it shouldn`t really hurt too awfully much... I hope...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Copa Copa...

Watched the game last night...France V. Portugal. It was on at 4am local time here in the LotRS...not exactly the most convenient hour for us working folks. I went and met K for a drink after work, and headed home around midnight. Crashed out around 2am, woke up with the alarm at 4. It was tough to keep the ol' peepers open throughout much of the first half, until the penalty kick that ultimately decided the game in France's favor. That woke me up and pretty much kept me engaged thereafter.
France's laid back approach to the remainder of the game, combined with the frenetic pace of the portugese also helped to keep me on the edge of my seat. Portugal was FAST. and aggressive....

Anyway, I'm at work now, and already sleepy...I went back to sleep after the game, but by then the sun was up and I didn't really sleep too well... only 5 more classes.....