When we were back home, I pestered my father relentlessly about giving me the family copy of The Romagnoli's Table. Finally he relented and I carried home my prize.
You may wonder why I was so intent on having this particular cookbook...almost as old as I am... Well, let me tell you. Growing up in Tennessee and Virginia, some of the first Italian food I ever had was made by my mother and father, from recipies in this book. It has shaped the way our family cooks, defined the parameters of my palate, taught me what good Italian food was before I realized it was something to be learned.
All this said, the first few weeks home I left the book on the shelf due to the myriad other things that demanded my attention. Recently I've had a bit of leisure and so have turned back to the Romagnolis. I've cooked out of the book about five times now, each meal a resounding success. I've made butter and tomato marinara, eggplant sautee, a wonderful pork roast. My proudest moment was my triumphant chicken cacciatore...a taste that I've grown up with and which colors my culinary sense on such a basic level that it is part of my being. It came out pretty damn fine.
I've not used recipies so much in the past, but I have had an Italian epiphany...thank you Dad...thank you thank you thank you!