Friday, March 25, 2011

Aftermath and Fallout

We are keeping a very close eye on both the aftermath of the great Tohoku disaster, and especially on radiation levels.  There have been worrisome noises from the north about contaminated agricultural products and drinking water, and the authorities keep adjusting the "safe" radiation exposure levels upwards.  This is all in Tokyo and points north however, so us and ours here in the south are relatively safe from exposure.  No need to worry about us, and if things go kablooie, we will go south post haste.

Samantha is being a good girl, she runs, she eats, she still howls inconsolably when separated from Mommy for more than a few minutes.  Actually, if she knows Mommy is around, but can't get to her, she howls.  If Mommy if nowhere to be found or heard, she shrugs and goes about her business.  Personality is beginning to be evident.

We are coming up on spring break here...graduation was last friday, the new school year starts on April 6.  Lots of fussing and shuffling of papers to be done, and I am on it!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


That reactor that may or not be melting down? Very far away from us. No need to worry at this point.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The quake

I'm sure you've all seen the news of the huge earthquake here in Japan. It was far north of us, we just got enough of a jiggle to make us seasick. The footage on the news is scary though. The girls and I are just fine though, no need to worry.