Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Dentist...

Well, just finished up at the dentist, and its the strangest thing. I DIDN`T get the root canal I was fully expecting, and frankly, hoping for. I recited all my symptoms as best I could, agreed to a root canal last week, got myself all worked up...but all I`m gonna get is a bigass filling.
Mystified by this turn of events, I checked WebMD.com for my particular set of dental symptoms...and according to the internet and my own intuition, the root canal was the correct course of action. I am not a dentist, but I am also no fool. If I needed a root canal on this tooth 10 years ago, surely I still need one...

I think I need to have a chat with the dentist and someone with near fluent english to properly express my concerns. I really want this damn thing fixed and fixed properly as soon as possible, with as few visits to the dentist as possible....

Strange, isn`t it? A person with a slight dental phobia arguing for a more drastic treatment that the doctor wants to give? hmmmmm...

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