Monday, March 24, 2008

Bush baby...

I've been reading about the Bush administration and its unbelievably horrible record of stripping away consumer protections, shifting the tax burden to middle and low income people, raping environmental law, ruining American prestige abroad, and generally being bad people.

I, of course, had made up my mind about Bush a long time ago and was saddened but not surprised to read the litany of depravity, wanton malfeasance, and greed
that constitutes his presidency. I kept seeing references to his "fanatically loyal" followers tho, and I got to thinking.

The anti-Bush community is large and becoming more and more vocal on the internet and on TV. His popularity and approval rankings are in the toilet and have been for some time. Yet he still manages to get some things done, he still has support. Where does this support come from? I googled "support our president" and found some eye opening (for me) stuff.

Pray for the President is more or less exactly what the name says, a perfect indicator of Bush's popularity among America's traditional Christian voters.

More politically oriented is Free Republic (an), a site dedicated to "grass-roots conservatism"...interesting look at the other side of the fence...

Curious how these folks are still behind Bush, after all his conservatism is a thin veneer concealing good old fashioned meanness and avarice and a basic lack of the "compassion" he tries to lay claim to. As for the religious right...well, as long as they are in the upper tax brackets they should be happy enough, but most rural churchgoing folks I know aren't really in a position to take advantage of the myriad tax dodges for millionaires Bush rammed through Congress...

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